Sunday, July 1, 2012

Meditation Experiment

Today is the first day that myself and a group of trusting friends begin an Intentional Meditation Experiment.  For the next 30 days we are committed to spend 20 minutes using a self written guided meditation to improve quality of life.  Nineteen studies have shown that this is extremely effective in increasing wealth and creating peace around the individuals. I have chosen people that I have a strong relationship with to join me on my experiment.  I have never accomplished anything for 30 straight days.  Right now  I feel that with the support of my fellow experimenters I can do this and begin this journey.  Who knows what I will feel like tomorrow.
Today I begin a new life- Og Mandino

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Judy for sharing this journey with us. Looking forward to sharing the next 30 days with fellow experimenters as we intend to create more of the life we want to live...I'm excited that we will be supporting and encouraging one another and to read everyone's accomplishment's in 30 days!
