Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Skinny Jeans Day 3 Meditation Experiement

One of the areas in my IM  meditation revolves around my personal health.  I am blessed in that I don't catch the flu or a cold when it goes around.  I have never broken a bone or been in a hospital except to give birth.  The only time I have had stitches is when I tried to use an electric hedge trimmer on my honeysuckle vine.  My hand got in the way of the blade as I was in one of those moods: I can do it myself, Thank You!

However my physical appearaance is not where I want it to be.  So if you would please visualize me in a pair of size 8 jeans by the end of the month, it would help me out.
That's the power of one plus many.
"I am nature's greatest miracle "- Og Mandino


  1. Love it...how's it going? They say the mind is a powerful thing :)

  2. Still to early to tell if the experiment will work. Trying to get used to a routine. My life is totally lacking continuity. I've always loved that, but is some OK?
