Sunday, July 15, 2012

The elevator stopped at midnight Day15 Meditation Experiment

I am staying in a 90 year old hotel that has an elevator man. It's very civilized. Whenever you need a ride, you push a button and a dapper man opens the door, does his magic with some special controls and takes you to the floor you wish to go to. This is such fun and a part of being spoiled that I just never considered. But when I came in at 1am, I rang and rang but nothing happened. Then the concierge told me that the elevator stopped at midnight. I was stunned, how could they do that to me. It was late I was tired.... Fill in the rest. But of course I sucked it up and walked up the stairs. Because NOTHING will stop me. And on this day of the meditation challenge, my normal schedule is disrupted. Halfway through the experiment and I have not mediated today. But the day is not over. The experiment is creating something bigger than me. Still six hours to go in this day and I will not let something like a lost hour or two, being out of town, or defiler disruptions prevent me from fulfilling this small part of a dream which will lead me to my destiny. The elevator can stop, I might get upset for a moment or two, but I'll change my direction and take the stairs.

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