Monday, July 30, 2012

At the End and On the Go Day 30 Meditation Experiment

Here it is, the end of the first IM Experiment with many lessons learned and some understood a little more deeply. Read some of my previous blogs for snatches of my learning. One of the biggest lessons was one I learned about meditation and how it applies to me. Although I am a grounded soul, I am not a still person. I am more like the morning glory in front of my garage, secure in the pot, but shoots moving with the breeze

Being silent and in the zone for 20 minutes was more than difficult for me. In fact I did all 20 minutes in one complete session one time. What I found worked for me and my very active life was to break up the meditation four times during the day. And I found that it was not meditating in the purest sense, but was still able to accomplish 75% of the statement which I created. I was able to concentrate and expand on my statement during quiet time and created some amazing processes for both my personal and professional life. For the next 30 Days (Yes, I'm doing it again!) I am redefining and further personalizing my goals to let my mind let it pop up during the day. Anyone that wants to join me for the next 30 days, just contact me through the blog, email, phone, google, smoke signals, mental telepathy or just meditate on it.....

Monday, July 23, 2012

A Piece of Cake Day 23 Meditation Experiment

I've been baking for many years. I learned to cook from scratch and have gotten pretty good at it. In fact I start with a recipe and then just add and subtract ingredients for personal flavor. But recently, much of my family has become gluten free and if you know the dynamics of wheat free cooking it's part math added to our personal flavor. And it includes a mix of flours I had hardly knew existed a few months ago that don't react at all like wheat. But now I've made enough chocolate cakes, that yesterday Geoff asked me to make a gluten free chocolate cake instead of the regular one, because it just tastes better.

Well I've been working on the meditation experiment for 23 days And now it seems almost easy to accomplish. The goal isn't that far away and it's almost become a habit of sorts in saying and memorizing it. In fact I'm already thinking about how to refine and redefine my personal IM statement.

And I reflect that tasks I've done well always seem easier after they are complete no matter how hard the process was. Just like making a gluten free cake.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Time Stands Still Day 20 Meditation Experiment

I live in the present with profound courage, my IM statement says. It is beginning to show up for me with depth. Living in the present allows me to let the failures and disappointments of the past recede to a dim memory. And because I am in the present moment, future expectations don't blind me of current needs. I'm not dreaming about the results while I am with a customer, I save it for my daily goal time. And having profound courage gives me the ability to ask the hard questions I previously avoided because of misguided fear, Being in the now lightens the load in my mind, allows focus and clarity to my tasks and creates time in my schedule as if time was standing still.

Such a simple statement.
"I live in the present with profound courage"

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Grace and Ease Day 17 Meditation Experiment

Today what popped for me during my Intentional Meditation was the phrase, grace and ease. Probably because yesterday it came up several times during the day. I start on a spiral of intensity as the day progresses which builds like a coil. It is actually my exuberance and passion for my message, but spills out into conversations with force and could be received as an overabundance of information, or in other words throwing up on someone. I know that is happening when I look at them in the eye and there is a glaze forming over their pupils. Or during a phone conversation, the other end of the line has been quiet for quite a long time and I have run out of air. So in my mind pops, grace and ease, and I think; If I was speaking that way right now, what would this conversation be like, and I start to breathe slowly and deeply. My focus shifts to what the person wants and needs not what I have to spring on them. I begin to listen and let them talk, with grace and ease.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Just For Today Day16 Meditation Experiment

This is the second half of the 30 day experiment for me and 5 friends. As for me, today I started out looking at a mountain. It would seem that being halfway through the experiment that my confidence would be building and there would be a quantitative difference beginning to accumulate. But before my meditation today, I absolutely didn't feel that way. It was the feeling that at the half way point, the climb ahead will be even harder and there were cliffs, crags and crevices ahead that I may not have it in me to transverse. Seems kind of funny that this all comes from a daily intentional meditation. Not what I was expecting. So I am finding that the act of quieting and focusing my mind intentionally has a benefit of bringing me back to the place of possibility. After I was done, I decided to add something I used to do, and that is the phrase, "Just for today...." to get out of overwhelm. So- Just for Today, I am passionate, committed, inspiring and unstoppable.

And tomorrow it will be,

Just for today I am....

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The elevator stopped at midnight Day15 Meditation Experiment

I am staying in a 90 year old hotel that has an elevator man. It's very civilized. Whenever you need a ride, you push a button and a dapper man opens the door, does his magic with some special controls and takes you to the floor you wish to go to. This is such fun and a part of being spoiled that I just never considered. But when I came in at 1am, I rang and rang but nothing happened. Then the concierge told me that the elevator stopped at midnight. I was stunned, how could they do that to me. It was late I was tired.... Fill in the rest. But of course I sucked it up and walked up the stairs. Because NOTHING will stop me. And on this day of the meditation challenge, my normal schedule is disrupted. Halfway through the experiment and I have not mediated today. But the day is not over. The experiment is creating something bigger than me. Still six hours to go in this day and I will not let something like a lost hour or two, being out of town, or defiler disruptions prevent me from fulfilling this small part of a dream which will lead me to my destiny. The elevator can stop, I might get upset for a moment or two, but I'll change my direction and take the stairs.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

It's Party Time! Day14 Meditation Experiment

What kind of organization begins a party at 10PM?  Well I found one.  It's a community that works like no other I have ever seen. And likewise plays with the same intensity.  Today I focus on the areas of my meditation that has to do with fun and relationships and notice that it shows up in several places.  I know that for me, taking time to celebrate the everyday small achievements is as important as receiving huge rewards and recognition.  I must remember to acknowledge every forward accomplishment. Love the person I am and enjoy the stretching to who I  am becoming.

It's a party everyday!


Friday, July 13, 2012

Common Sense Day 13 Meditation Experiement

A good friend of mine recently reminded me that "Common Sense Isn't Common" and as I go through my day, it becomes more and more apparent to me it is true.  But it should also follow that by just thinking about something it should be unbelievable, that it will appear.  That's the stuff of magic. This process may not be magic, but if get the gist of what is going on with other members of this experiment, uncommon things may be happening that make no sense and the results that are being achieved are not common.  Stay tuned.  We are not halfway done.yet.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

K.F.C. It's finger lickin' good. Day 12 Meditation Experiement

We're not talking about chicken here, but an easy way for me to remember what I am doing with the Meditation Experiment. I enjoy using acronyms in all areas of my life because it is a simple way to remember long lists of words.  Anyway it's about changing my beliefs by changing thoughts followed through with actions that are in congruentwith this flow. So today I remember KFC.
K-Know what you've got and where you are.  Blogging is helping with that after the mediation
F- Figure out your Why.  This is an important step that I start my coaching clients with.  But as  time progresses, it is important to revisit, reevaluate or at least confirm the Why piece. It is part of my IM statement. And is going through tweaking.

C-Choose who you want to become. It is the person you want to be who does what must be done to have the things you want.

And through KFC, I will not be chicken, but Courageous! 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Who Wants More Today? Day 11 IM Experiment

Well if you are reading this post, The answer is obviously, ME.  We demand more in material things but it doesn't always happen.  At day 11 of the Meditation Experiment, it's about ten days more of regular commitment than I've done in a long time.  As a business owner, it is wonderful to be able to create my own schedule and add variety to my day.  And I do crave variety.  I am learning that to get more, there is a responsibility to create a regular time of quiet and peace in a full and hectic day. If nothing else it creates clarity, direction and the reminder to be the person who I know I am.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Truth About Lies, Day 10 IM Experiment

People lie to me.  I'm not sure why.  I'm thinking that there are a variety of reasons.  But today between my meditations, I've come to realize a couple of things. I can connect with people fairly quickly.  I love creating new relationships and learning about what is important to people.  But it seems that there is a point at the end of conversation when, at times, I am being lied to.  It would be so easy it their nose grew like Pinocchio or there was a flashing light on their forehead blinking: Lie, Lie, Lie!  But here's the flash: Honesty is not easy.  It is simpler to make a promise of commitment with the intention of breaking it than to say "I'm not ready". "I'm not interested." "I don't want to."
 The original intention may not even be to lie, but circumstances, relationships, memory or time may get in the way.  Or they can't say no and don't want to hurt me. But, it's not about me. It's about them and their level of personal integrity.  Whatever the reason for them, I will not take it personally   In the meantime I'm going to look closer at everyone's nose when asking for a promise.....
"I am master of my emotions!" Og Mandino

Monday, July 9, 2012

UnHealthy and Wise Day 9 Meditation Experiment

The first line for my IM Experiement has to do with health so when I started to feel bad yesterday, the first thought in my mind was, "See, this stuff doesn't work, cause I got sick".. and I just had posted a couple days ago about how I never pick up viruses.  It would be great to end the story there because 24 hour hours later I am still under the weather.  However what I have learned while feeling miserable has been priceless for me.  Because it's not what happens to us, it's what we do with it.  As I was awake most of the night, my mind started wondering and what I did while I lay there was say the IM Statement in my head over and over and over.  Not only did it take my mind off how I was feeling, it gave me hope and belief that I am in charge.  Beginning my second week, I have more belief than when I was feeling "healthy".  This stuff may work after all.
?Today I Begin a new life" Og Mandino

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Money Has Wings Day 8 Meditation Experiment

Easy Come, Easy Go.  Money has never been important to me.  My passion is people and how I can be the catalyst to improve someones live with whatever is their definition of success.  I've always had 'enough'.  On day 8 of the IM Experiment, the money part of the statement is glaring out at me.  What if I create generational wealth and it is done by money flying to me like migrating flocks of birds, not so much for me or even my immediate family, but to eliminate hunger in my surrounding community and something even bigger. 
Today "enough money" became a limiting belief.  And I've decided to fly.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

If you see it, Is it real? Day 7 Meditation

I remembered today that the  last time I created an IM Statement was over a dozen years ago when I was a Mary Kay Director.  It was a novel idea to me so I created the "belief" that I drove a pink Cadillac.  I was driving a free car, but it wasn't  a Cadillac.  After a huge directors event, I went out into the parking lot, went up to my car and attempted to open the door to a beautiful brand new pink Cadillac!  My unconscious mind certainly manifested my vision, but because of circumstances, I left that company without getting that car.  Now it is a different company and a new car qualification..  That visualization appeared today during my meditation and fear set in.What if this meditation stuff is just a mind trick.  And even if I believe it, it won't become real. Then I realized that this time not only do I have an IM statement, it is loaded with feeling and I have included daily choices I make to have the outcome  really happen. This meditation stuff is powerful, it is creating past visions, internal turmoil, and new possibility.  So here is a picture of my new car.  I haven't walked up to it in a parking lot, but I am  actively making my calls to make it real.

Friday, July 6, 2012

How to Eat a Frog- Day 6 Meditation

It is said that if you do the hard stuff first, like eating a frog, everything else will be easy.  Well, how long does the 'hard' stuff last?  As I begin my day and want to start with my peaceful IM meditation, my mind wanders.  Twenty minutes is soooooo long first thing in the morning. I haven't yet  touched my chakras, or maybe my creativity can't be stymied at dawn.  Either I have to find a new time to meditate or I have to eat the frog differently. Yesterday I found that after a good solid 10 minutes of reading my IM statement, that I went on with my day and downloaded it onto my phone and reread it another 10 times between other things.  I'm not sure if this is right or wrong, but we'll see in  twenty four days.
I eat a FROG like an ELEPHANT!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Heat is On Meditation Experiment Day 5

There is something in the air.  A message being sent to me.  The question is, can I take the pressure or go up in flames?  Yesterday  three separate incidents contained heat.  First thing in the morning a towel caught fire on the stove while I was outside.  It's scary to walk into the kitchen and see flames dancing under the microwave.  After fireworks last night my daughter's car caught on fire as she was driving home.  Everyone is OK but there were certainly moments of  panic.  And record temperatures in the area have caused huge areas of pavement to buckle under the heat.  The heat and pressure surrounding our dreams can cause the same panic and buckling.  While  I meditate the outside forces seem melt away.  Now I have to bring that into the heat and pressure of the day.  Just a few moments ago, a newscaster talking about the heat stated that each us has should "take every precaution necessary" to stay safe.  And so I will take every precaution  necessary to protect my dreams.  I'm not sure what that is yet, But I'm  willing to learn.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

It's about FREEDOM

There are so many kinds of freedom.  As we celebrate our nations freedom, it comes to mind that I also strive for financial freedom  to assist in all areas of life.  This is one of the reasons my IM Experiment was started.   Here it is day 4 and we are celebrating with a bang.  Each year we take  the family, ride in the truck and sit on blankets in the park to watch the fireworks.

As I was meditatting today I was feeling the power of the words and the force behind them.  I've made some tweeks to the mantra to add even more emotion  and passion to feel the result in 30 days.
Celebrate Freedom with Me!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Skinny Jeans Day 3 Meditation Experiement

One of the areas in my IM  meditation revolves around my personal health.  I am blessed in that I don't catch the flu or a cold when it goes around.  I have never broken a bone or been in a hospital except to give birth.  The only time I have had stitches is when I tried to use an electric hedge trimmer on my honeysuckle vine.  My hand got in the way of the blade as I was in one of those moods: I can do it myself, Thank You!

However my physical appearaance is not where I want it to be.  So if you would please visualize me in a pair of size 8 jeans by the end of the month, it would help me out.
That's the power of one plus many.
"I am nature's greatest miracle "- Og Mandino

Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 2 Meditation Experiment

Here it is day two and I'm feeling I've taken on a lot.  Is summer a good time to start a new routine?  I'm adding not only 20 minutes of meditation each day, but also blogging about it.   Here's hoping the the meditation will keep me centered.  I'm looking to my power partners to help me stay on track. Doing the same statement over and over for 20 minutes is not easy.  I find that my mind wanders when I am reading so I have decided to record it and walk.  My  IM statement is longer than the norm.  I'm hoping that it will still become part of my being.
"I will act now" Og Mandino

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Meditation Experiment

Today is the first day that myself and a group of trusting friends begin an Intentional Meditation Experiment.  For the next 30 days we are committed to spend 20 minutes using a self written guided meditation to improve quality of life.  Nineteen studies have shown that this is extremely effective in increasing wealth and creating peace around the individuals. I have chosen people that I have a strong relationship with to join me on my experiment.  I have never accomplished anything for 30 straight days.  Right now  I feel that with the support of my fellow experimenters I can do this and begin this journey.  Who knows what I will feel like tomorrow.
Today I begin a new life- Og Mandino