Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Resolutions? Yuck!!

As I sat down to create my goals for the upcoming year, I began to think of resolutions and how 92 percent of them are abandoned by January 31st. So I knew what was needed was stronger than a resolution.  Previously when I created a goal and tried to use all of the smart techniques associated around 'intelligent" goal setting, I found that they actually did not fit into my life when the rubber hit the road.
Then it hit me. When I wanted to go on vacation, I didn't set a goal for the vacation; I set a plan. When I went on vacation to Hawaii, I had to figure out when I was going. how long I was staying, how I would get there and what I would see. And even before that I had to know where I wanted to go and what I wanted to experience more than anything else.
So instead this year why not make a plan for my life rather than a goal for my business. So it's simple really to make a plan.
Promise yourself in your heart, mind and soul that it is what you REALLY want to ACCOMPLISH.
Not what your boss says... Not what your manager says.... Not what your spouse or other friends say to try to convince you.
Listen in an active place everyday to yourself.  How are your plans forming? Actively take the proper steps in order of importance--- and don't rush it. Airline tickets can't be purchased for a trip before you know the date you are leaving.
And as your plan is developing, it's okay to make adjustments. That Hawaii trip may have to be postponed if a volcano erupts on the island.  It's not your fault if outside influences prevent your success. Delay is not denial.
Never give up on yourself. We all have amazing talents and gifts. Discover them. Utilize them, Celebrate them. Rely on them.
Don't be afraid to ask for guidance.  When you use a travel professional for a vacation it removes a lot of angst.
Plan your Work and Work your Plan.  Plan your life like you would a vacation.
You'll have a great time!
With a SMILE,                                                                                                                                      Judy

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