Wednesday, October 10, 2012

There's a hole in that bucket!

So you've heard of a Bucket List right?-- Popular movie about a man who created a to do list of things to accomplish before he died. Well, one of my mentors, the co-founder of ViSalus, Nick Sarnicola inspired me to create a Live List. 100 Ways to enjoy the passions of life. At least that's the way I see it. When I started to create this list, at first it was tiny, just a few real big dreams that would take me years to accomplish. But a dream that goes unfulfilled for a long preiod of time, loses its glow and gets tarnished; and many times gets put on the shelf or even worse, develops a hole in the bucket and slips away.

So I expanded on my focus to be stuff that will bring laughter and joy as I live my life. Some of it as simple as giving someone a hug each day all the way to creating a purpose I can pass through to future generations.

And I get to live it and check it off every day. I get to LIVE the LIST!

Judy's Live List Item #27: Niagara Falls, Maid of the Mist CHECK.